Wednesday, 9 January 2013

How To Determine Your Eyebrow Shape:

The perfect eyebrow is seemingly unattainable, unless you're a celebrity. But with the help of Beverly Hills makeup artist Bobbe Joy. We here at VideoJug will show you how to determine and shape your eyebrows like a hot, Hollywood celebrity.

The perfect eyebrow is seemingly unattainable, unless you're a celebrity. But with the help of Beverly Hills makeup artist Bobbe Joy. We here at VideoJug will show you how to determine and shape your eyebrows like a hot, Hollywood celebrity.

Step 1: You will need…

  • a thin stick
  • a brow pencil

Step 2: Find Your True Shape

If you're brow is naturally angled, that's right for you. If you're brows are full, that's right for you. If you're brows are narrow, that's right for you. The idea is to work with what you have.
Forcing a different shape onto your face doesn't work. Your brows will be more noticeable because they will just look out of place.

Step 3: The Inside Edge

Line the stick perpendicular to your face at the edge of the outside of your nose. Then with your brow pencil, mark a dot at the intersection of the stick and the highest point of your eyebrow. That's going to be the starting point for the shape of your brow.

Step 4: The Outer Edge

Line the stick from the outer edge of your nose to the outer edge of your eye. Again, make a dot with your brow pencil at the point where the stick and eyebrow meet. This will decide where your eyebrow will end.

Step 5: The Arch

Lastly, hold the stick perpendicular to your face and line the stick to the outside of the iris of her eye. Mark a spot with your brow pencil at the highest point of your eyebrow where the stick lands. This is where the highest point of your arch should tuck into.

Step 6: The Finishing Touches

Finish by tweezing and shaping your brows. Pencil in any bald spots.

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